June 14, 2007 and my baby boy is 5. How did this happen so fast? I'm amazed at the pace of my life since I have had children. It is unbelievable! I want to hold on to this time for a little longer; savor it; take advantage of it better; but it is not to be. It just keeps blowing by and I know there will soon be a day when I wonder, "How could I have not enjoyed that moment more instead of worrying about the house or finances or laundry?" It is impossible to know how to separate the two some days when you feel such a need to get things done and keep order, but I fear if I don't find a way to even this thing out, I will feel a lot of regret. Usually during my kids birthdays, I am so busy planning and organizing and putting things together and MAKING EVERYTHING RIGHT, that I miss it! I have so few pictures of me with my kids on their birthdays that it is just a shame! This time I have done little planning and it will be very simple and we'll see. But I KNOW that I will take lots of pictures with my sweet boy and kiss him and remember how it felt for him to turn five and he will remember it, too, and that his momma LOVES THE FIRE OUT OF HIM! And I do! I look at him and how tall he is and how grown up he is getting and I want to bawl! He is almost too tall and heavy to hold now. Good thing my tubes are tied, ya'll! My arms will be aching for a little one before too much longer. Princess Adeline is on hand now, though when I need a baby fix!
On Friday, while I was trying to get ready to hit the road for Jackson and get the kids to the sitter, cutest boy asked me to watch him do his Spiderman trick, which involved climbing up the side of my suede couch with his shoes on. After establishing this as a bad idea, I again tried, unsuccessfully to get ready while he followed me around and tried to show me all his Spidey tricks. Finally, exasperated, I told him, "Honey, momma HAS to get ready to go; can you just hold on for just a little while, so I can get us ready?"
"Sure!" cutest boy replied. Then he waved to the couch and said, "But I'll be right here whenever you're ready to talk, okay!?"
Ouch! I cannot express how hard it feels to me somedays to be his mother, because he has the ability to cut me right to the core with THE TRUTH!!!! All my priorities just get stripped away in about 2 seconds flat!!!
This is an ACTUAL conversation I had with my two year old princess:
Her: I WANT cereal! (Think Linda Blair with a lisp)
Me: Okay, which cereal do you want? (holding out two boxes)
Her: DAT one. (pointing to said box)
Me: (pouring bowl of chosen cereal and handing it to her) Here you go!
Her: NO, I dont WANT dat cereal. I want the GEEN one! (No idea?)
Me: We don't have any green cereal. Which one do you want? (holding out boxes of cereal, again)
Her: DAT ONE! (pointing to same original box)
(I pour cereal once again and hand her bowl)
(I put it on the counter and walk away. She grabs it and goes to her table. She then comes back and the following occurs:)
Her: Will you hold my TOY?
Me: Sure! (she hands me the toy)
Me: Okay, here it is!
(She takes the toy, tries to hold the bowl at the same time, then:)
Her: Will you hold my toy?
Me: (I say nothing; I just take the toy.)
Her: (looking at me very seriously:) I'll be RIGHT back to get MY toy, yeh!
(She goes and sits down at the table, looks at her brother eating cereal and:)
Her: I WANT a fork!
(Now, I know she probly means a spoon, but I am so rattled by now I am afraid not to give her EXACTLY what she asks for...)
Me: Here you go!
Her: NO! I don't WANT a fork! (fork is thrown to floor)
Me: Okay, here's a spoon.
Her: NO, I don't WANT a spoon!
(I leave her be then and walk away. She eventually picks up the spoon and begins to eat.)
It is no wonder God makes them so cute! It keeps us from wringing their sweet little necks!