Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Berry First Artwork for the Ball/Pageant...

Prints are in and ready for sale! CLB is signing as fast as his little fingers can write hisownname, which is about 2 times a day, so by the end of the summer, we should have all 100 signed, but I am selling them as fast as the ink dries, hunnies! Each print is $20 and you can e-mail me at MsJerre@aol.com for one of your very own! They are adorable and there will be no more after these 100 are sold, so get yours now!

CLB with the help of Paul Schexnayder has designed our first poster art. I just had to show you his painting, since you will be seein it a lot for our posters, cards, etc. Isn't it kewt?!? This was Queen Em Cee's idea, by the by, so I need to say thanks!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Here is the new t-shirt! Isn't it kewt, girls! If you want one, just e-mail me at MsJerre@aol.com. They are $16.00 for non-participants in the BQ Ball/Pageant and worth every last dime!!!!